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Objects are static nodes in a model through which items flow


Planimate Objects

Planimate has a small number of objects but they each have a variety of modes and extended capabilities.


Entry Object Icon.jpg

Entries introduce new items into a model.

Most Items will be created at an Entry.

The only other Object that can create items is a Splitter.

For full details refer to this page: Entry


Queue Icon.jpg

A Queue is an area where Items can wait.

When a number of items want to access an Object all at the same time, and the Object cannot accept them all at the same time, then the items must compete for access.

In real world systems you will often see queues or line-ups forming to facilitate this competing according to various rules.

In Planimate, the Queue Object provides a place for you the modeller to apply rules to manage competition for access to Objects.

For full details refer to this page: Queue



In simulation, objects that can hold an item and apply a process delay time before releasing the item are known as Servers.

The Planimate Delay object has the ability to delay one or more items at a time.

For full details refer to this page: Multiserver


Exit Palette Icon.jpg

Items leave a model via an Exit object.

Items that move into an exit will permanently disappear from a model and cannot be recalled.

However Exits can also be used to send Items to other locations, via broadcasting or throwing.

For full details refer to this page: Exit


Main article: Portal
A Portal object appears on the screen like any other object but rather than having a fixed behaviour, it is a link to a sub-system screen. Every Portal contains one Subsystem screen on which there is always at least one portal entry and one portal exit.



The PickUp enables a number of items to be "picked up" by a Carrier Item and transported to another location, usually for delivery.

For full details refer to this page: PickUp



The Drop-off Object enables Carrier Items to release one or more of the items they are carrying.

For full details refer to this page: DropOff


Main article: Dispatcher
The Dispatcher is a wait station for Carrier Items or regular Items, and can have multiple outgoing paths.


Main article: Change
With a Change Object you can make changes in your model whenever an item passes through it during a model run.


Switch Palette Icon.jpg

Switches enable items to dynamically select from a number of possible paths.

They are typically used in situations where items select shortest queues (ie. people queuing for ATM machines) or where an item can be processed by a number of servers.

The switch will choose from any paths along which the item can proceed (ie. flows which are not blocked). If none are available, the item will become blocked until one becomes available.

Different path selection rules are available through various switch 'Modes'.

For full details refer to this page: Switch


Splitter Palette Icon.jpg

A Splitter object takes a single incoming item and splits it into a number of outgoing items.

An incoming item triggers a splitting operation. The items produced can be of many different classes, each proceeding from the splitter on different paths. If any leaving item becomes blocked, no other items will be able to leave the splitter and it will become blocked.

The list of items produced when one incoming item enters is called a Split Schedule. You specify a separate Split Schedule for each incoming item class.

For full details refer to this page: Splitter


Main article: Guide
Guide objects do not directly affect a simulation but are useful in adjusting the paths of items to improve their movement on screen.

Spatial Link

Main article: Spatial Link
Spatial links are objects that form a connection between portals.


Main article: Pipe
Pipes are a type of "spatial" connection which can be formed between portals to model movement of bulk product.


Main article: Track
Track Palette Icon.jpg

Planimate® supports modelling of railway type networks with a set of related features collectively known as “Tracks”.

Tracks modelling capabilities are considered to be advanced uses of Planimate®, and require a good grounding in and familiarity with the concepts underlying the Planimate® Platform as a whole.

A “Track” is a Planimate® object, along which items can travel, taking a designated period of time.

Tracks are placed between Portal Objects (representing depots, terminals, crossing loops and junctions). Tracks connect together the subsystems of these Portals. An Item can leave a subsystem, travel across a Track object and some time later arrive in the subsystem at the other end.

Similar to Spatial Links, Tracks offer an opportunity to display and animate transport networks, where Portals represent nodes in these networks. However, Track Objects differ to Spatial Links because they impose limits on how items on them (trains) move.

Object Articles

Object Frequently Asked Questions