Wormhole Entry

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Wormhole Entry

Entry Mode Wormhole.jpg

This mode allows you to ‘cheat the system’.

Normally you cannot send an item along a path from one subsystem to a distant subsystem without having to respect the hierarchy of subsystems in the model.

However you can link a Wormhole Entry with a Wormhole Exit and pass an item from one subsystem to another directly.

The use of wormholes is not recommended practice, however they can be useful now and again.

Items passing through wormhole-space are able to be blocked.

Unlike messages and broadcasts, Wormhole Entry-Exit linkages support blocking and unblocking... a blocked Wormhole Entry will cause its Wrmhole Exit to appear blocked to an approaching item.

Sometimes this can be useful, but it is not recommended that this feature be used extensively.

Linking the Entry and Exit

The Wormhole Entry needs to be able to access a Target Wormhole Exit.

Specify the Target using the Target Option available in this Mode.

Wormhole exits "teleport" items to their associated wormhole entry, enabling items to be moved across the model without having to flow up and down the entire hierarchy.

A wormhole entry-exit pairing is always one to one.

A wormhole entry-exit link within a portal will be copy/pasted as long as the portal copied contains both the wormhole entry and exit within its hierarchy.