Status Bar

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Status bar.png

There are five panels in the Status Bar whose functions are as follows (from left to right):

Panel Description
First Panel Shows the name of the current model. Clicking on the Model Name enables the Model to be saved. Double Clicking on the Model Name enables a Save As.
Second Panel Shows the name of the current screen, and in brackets describes the Panel Type (Dynamic/Application/Panel). Clicking on the Current Screen Name in the Status Bar shows and hides the Model Hierarchy Window. The currently displayed screen is highlighted.

If you are in a sub-system, and double-click on the ScreenName you are shifted up one level to the screen containing the portal which owns the sub-system (ie. you move up the model screen hierarchy).

Third Panel Shows status text and/or a progress bar during a model run. This display is managed using Routine operations in Change Objects.
Fourth Panel Flow or Interaction Edit View: Displays the currently selected Item Class Icon. Clicking on this icon enables you to select a different Item Class from a popup menu.

InterDyne Mode: Displays the “Run Status” of the model (Red Square if not running, Green Square if Running or Paused).

Fifth Panel Flow or Interaction Edit View: The current Item name is displayed. Clicking on the current Item name displays the Item Edit Menu. Object Edit View: Displays the Object Type the Modeller has clicked on in the Model Work Area.