Planimate todo

From Planimate Knowledge Base
Revision as of 21:41, 10 January 2008 by Rick (talk | contribs)
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  • ini file location cmd line option (idbase too)
  • add label lists from within routine
  • Dump attref values in routine for debugging
  • set item attribute from item popup
  • column option to disable table bc sending
    - background colour inheritance or copy/down
    - save/copy item attribute values from the popup
  • references should stop flashing on a click
  • last pl error menu shortcut
    new throw exist which
  • uses attref for target
  • uses name to prefer an object
    (like dispatcher)

    Table Enhancements
  • main menu access to table browser
  • hotkey in table editor for refs
  • context menu in table list giving Edit, Refs and Delete
  • Appending columns should offer to carry format of another column

    Planimate INI File
  • writing back to file...

  • Initial font settings
  • Keyboardshort cuts (for actions that use a shortcut)

    Panel Browser

    Along left hand screen edge, one pixel, cursor changes
    Click anywhere along this side, (or press Enter while highlighted is visble) [F5 key] and a Navigation window pops out from the screen left margin. (only appearing when asked - unlike the MS office toolbar).
    This window will be about 4/10 width of main window.
    As with current Nav window, this window is moveable, so if necessary you can inspect what is behind it.
    Top third portion of this window is a history list or previously-visited panels.
    Middle third is a list of 9 Favorites.
    Bottom third is the usual tree structure like we currently use from the status bar.
    Panel names in History and Favorites are highlighted on mouse-over.
    Full path to highlighted Panel appears in a tip text if it is truncated in the window.
    Single click displays the panel, (so user can see if it is where they want to go).
    Use Space, Enter, Right Click, or Double Click to commit to this location and close the Nav window.
    Esc or Click away from the Nav window to revert to original panel.
    If a panel on the history is selected, the lower window displays this panel name in the tree, and places this panel's parent at the top of the navigation list. This enables a user to select a screen from recent history and then quickly locate a panel near it, via the lower portion of this navigation window.
    There would be a number of options regarding adding a panel into the favorites listing (drag&Drop, right click menu).

To be able to view the current values of all carried items in the PL_Error.txt file would be great


  • The ability to do a display search from a certain portal / application panel in the model. Like search this folder but it would be search this portal. This could also be extend to references, ie get references in this portal
  • Custom system menu bar for Planimate (Hide the default menu and display the custom menu)
  • button background colour blend
  • paint text displays att-ref
    - Drag and drop objects into a portal, maybe even retain flow and paths
  • Replace for an entire flow/portal (not just in the routine)
  • When performing a replace, please add all atts/table refs in the routine (regardless of scoping).
  • in the 'Window' drop down add an option that creates the extra window display (the CTRL-SHIFT-ALT+<Operation to open a panel or portal>
    - When selecting 'Label' and showing the label list (for selection for an attribute or table column) please give us an ADD NEW, as in add new label. Currently this process 'sux' :-).
  • Save/Load Component.
    RMC on a portal and select "Save Component". Portal's contents is saved as a file (complete with labels etc). RMC on a portal and select "Load Component" Portal changes to the Component loaded.
    This will encourage generic design, one day have a super builder table that just loads in component files that are designed to talk to each other. Enable individuals to POST components to idbase with an explanation of inputs and outputs (these can contain GUI's and output displays that announce themselves into the system when the modeller starts a run).
  • Table Button on a Run Time Error Box or Break Point Box.
    Effectivly whenever 'Routine' is shown the ability to also select a table to view would also be handy for debugging.

    A Palette for components that are saved in the Planimate folder.
    The user can create their own palettes, and add to them by browsing for component files.
    Then the palette can be saved and perhaps emailed around the place.

idkbase note 73