How to Create a Planimate® Track Network

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You need to be in Object Edit View.

Tracks are Created between Portals

Tracks can only be laid between Portal Objects.

Using the Rail Object Icon from Palette

Click on the Rail Icon in the secondary object palette…
A box-like cross-haired cursor appears…

Click on the portal you wish your track to begin at.

Then, as you move your cursor over other Portals, Planimate® draws a dotted line from your origin Portal you have selected and displays a flashing box around the Portal, suggesting that this is a place you can end your track.

Click in the portal you wish to end your track at.

A track will appear between the Portal objects you have selected.

Directly from a Portal

You can also create a track object to link portals directly from the “Add” menu in a Portal's Object Edit Menu.

To create a track, click in the portal from which you wish the track to commence and select ‘Add’ then ‘Track’.

As you move your cursor over other Portals, Planimate® draws a dotted line from your origin Portal you have selected and displays a flashing box around the Portal, suggesting that this is a place you can end your track.

Click in the portal you wish your track to end at.

A track appears between these Portals.

Track Settings

Settings that alter the track object are available when you click on the track object.

You can:

  • change the number of roads,
  • select options that change the way the system moves train items over the roads of the track, and
  • control the availability of the roads in the section.

You can also adjust the shape of the track by adding bend points.