Switch Options

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Switch Object Options enable the following option to be toggled on and off:

Act As Item Guide (On)

Select this option if you want your switch to acts like a Guide. Items passing through it will animate through its position.

Disable Range Errors (Off)

During a model run, if an item looks through a switch using the Attribute mode and the switch encounters a value that is greater than the number of available paths, Planimate® considers this to be a run-time error. It displays an error message indicating that the number is out of range, and then stops the run. If you select this option, then when this switch detects an out-of-range value, it will block the item's progress. If the switch is referencing a portal attribute, the item may be allowed to proceed if that attribute later comes within range. In the case of an Item Attribute reference, the item would continue to be block the path for the duration of the model run.

Show Icon During Run (Off)

Select this option if you wish to see the switch's icon during a model run.

Switch Cannot Block Items (INI file determines default)

This Gating Option is available directly from the Switch Object Menu. If enabled, it informs the switch that the modeller does not expect items to block behind it. This speeds up the model. If an item is forcibly blocked at the switch, it causes a model stop error.