Scoped Attributes List

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This list shows the portal attributes which are "in scope" meaning that the attributes will be accessible to routine code placed in Change objects.

The columns in the list are:
Shows the name of the attribute

Shows the portal level at which the attribute is defined. If its defined at the topmost level, it will show "<main>".

The current value for the attribute. This is formatted according to the type of the attribute.

Summarises options set on the attribute as one or more letters. These include:
R clea[R] when the run engine restarts
C [C]onstant during run
I Round to [I]nteger
T re[T]ain on paste/replace
K range chec[K] enabled
S used in data[S]ets (scenarios)
V keep pri[V]ate to subsystem (for modules)

Shows any comment the modeller has entered for the attribute

Use the Add Attribute button to add a new attribute at the current subsystem's scope.
You can double click or highlight and click the Edit button to edit an existing attribute.

idkbase note 10134